Jones & Wagener > Team > Jabulile Msiza

Jabulile Msiza graduated with a B Eng (Civil) in 2005 at the University of Pretoria. She started working at Jones & Wagener in 2005 as a geotechnical engineer in the Waste Department (she was Jones & Wagener’s first bursary student).

She completed her B Eng Honours (Geotechnical) at the University of Pretoria in 2008 and a B Eng Honours (Environmental Engineering) also at the University of Pretoria in 2009. She continued to complete her MBA at the Henley Business School in 2018.

In 2013, Jabulile was promoted to Associate, followed by Technical Director in 2016.  In 2019, she became a Director at Jones & Wagener and the Head of the Waste Department. In February 2022, she was promoted to serve as Jones & Wagener’s Chairman of the Board, the first female and youngest person ever to fulfill this role at Jones & Wagener.

Jabulile’s involvement in geotechnical engineering related projects ranges from general, industrial & hazardous waste facilities planning, design, construction and operations monitoring inputs and management.

Jabulile published ten publications (of which she co-authored 9) ranging from technical papers, dissertation and articles. Most notably is her publication on the specifications of HDPE liners for landfill applications and the performance implications.

Jabulile received the Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) 2017 Young Engineer of the Year award. She was a finalist for the Young Professional of the Year in the Built Environment in 2017 by the South African Professional Services Awards (SAPSA). In 2020, Jabulile received the Kelley Nicole Legge trophy in honour of Excellence and Dedication to the Geosynthetics Society by the South African Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society – GIGSA.

Jabulile is a current member of SAICE, ECSA, GIGSA and IWMSA. She also serves on the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) as an elected council member, the IGS TC-B (Technical Committee on Barriers) as Vice-Chair and chairs the African regional activities for the IGS.