Jones & Wagener > Services

Mining Infrastructure - Water Management, Water Transfer & River Diversions

The separation and management of clean and polluted (dirty) water is one of the most important considerations for mining – especially for opencast mining.

Specific services include:

  • Mine water balances
    › Forms the basis for the overall water management strategy
  • Clean water diversion systems
    › Examples include: clean catchment diversion canals, river diversions and attenuation and storage
  • Pollution control infrastructure
    › Examples include: collection canals (lined and unlined), silt traps and pollution control dams (lined
    and unlined)
  • Water transfer infrastructure
    › Pump-stations, pumps and pipelines
  • Water treatment
    › Silt and oil containment and management.
  • Dam safety evaluations and audits
    › Dams classified as a dam with a safety risk in terms of the Dam Safety legislation requires
    design and sign-off by an APP (Approved Professional Person). Jones & Wagener has engineers
    who are registered APPs with DWA and can complete the designs and dam safety evaluations over
    the life of the dam.
  • Design of water management infrastructure
    Jones & Wagener’s Environmental Sciences prepares the EMPr(Environmental Management
    Programmes) and IWULA (Integrated Water Usage Licensing Application)
    › The water management infrastructure design forms an integral part of these applications and has
    several benefits to the implementation costs and timeframes.
  • Re-instatement of streams over rehabilitated opencast mines