Jones & Wagener > Services

Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnical Investigations

Jones & Wagener provides comprehensive site investigations for all types of developments in all key industries. These include large industrial, power generation and mining projects, commercial developments, and transportation routes. We also investigate greenfields and brownfields sites for the purposes of environmental impact assessment and rehabilitation design.

We are experienced in all the standard exploration and testing techniques such as rotary core and percussion drilling, penetrometer testing, plate load tests, pressuremeter and Goodman jack testing, pumping tests and geophysical surveying. We have also devised innovative testing procedures to suit particular requirements such as testing trial piles and full scale settlement and heave tests.

Site investigations are planned and designed according to the SAICE Code of Practice for Site Investigations and with consideration of the risk to humans, property and to the environment.

Specific services include:

  • Standard investigation methods
    › Aerial photograph interpretation
    › Terrain evaluation
    › Test pitting and auger trial holes
    › Geotechnical drilling and borehole testing
    › Penetrometer testing
    › Plate load testing
    › Geophysical surveys
  • Innovative testing procedures – We design specialised and new test methods to suit particular
    › Centrifuge testing
    › Pile and large diameter plate testing
    › Large scale settlement and heave trials.
  • Soil-Structural interaction analyses
    › Finite element analysis
    › Dynamic analysis
  • Foundation analysis
    › Bearing capacity and settlement/heave
  • Stability analysis
    › Slopes and embankments
    › Cuttings and excavations
    › Dolomite/mining subsidence
    › Liquefaction