Jones & Wagener > Services

Environmental Sciences & Management - Baseline Hydrogeological Investigations

Specialist hydrogeological and geochemical investigations are carried out on greenfields sites, predominantly as a specialist study for the authorisations undertaken by the Environmental Management team, as well as for other consultants within the environmental management field.

Specific services include:

  • Field work investigation
    Geophysics: gravity, resistivity, electromagnetics, magnetics, radar
    › Soil / waste sampling and analysis: including Waste Classification, XRD, XRF, acid base  accounting etc.
    › Hydrocensus; identifying groundwater users and collecting borehole data.
    › Borehole drilling: percussion / mud rotary / odex / diamond drilling
    › Pump testing to determine aquifer parameters
  • Sampling and analysis
    Inorganic, organic, trace elements, radioactivity, stable isotopes, biological and toxicity.
  • Modelling
    Conceptual models
    › Flow modelling (including impacts associated with mine dewatering / post-closure filling)
    › Geochemical modelling
    › Mass transport modelling
    › Modelling of the effectiveness of mitigation measures
  • Mitigation measures
    Source removal or isolation
    › Cut-off systems / Dewatering and treatment
    › Waste stabilisation
    › Natural attenuation
  • Design and implementation of mitigation measures
  • Monitoring of the effectiveness of mitigation measures