Environmental regulatory authorisations, approvals and licensing processes
South Africa’s environmental legislation is amongst the best in the world, but staying compliant within that legislative framework can be extremely challenging and onerous.
Specific services offered:
Quick Reference | Regulatory requirements | Specific services include: |
NEMA | National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998 as amended |
Environmental due diligence audits
ECO (Environment Control Officer) services EIA’s (Environmental Impact Assessments): Basic Assessments Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments EMPr’s (Environmental Management Programmes) Auditing and compliance monitoring Section 24 application for rectification |
NWA | National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 | IWULA’s (Integrated Water Use License Applications).
IWWMP’s (Integrated Water and Waste Management Plans). Surface water impact assessments. Auditing and compliance monitoring. Wetland delineations |
NEM:WA | National Environmental Management: Waste Act, Act 59 of 2008 | WMLAR (Waste Management License Application Report)
IWMP (Industry and Integrated Waste Management Plans) Waste classification Contaminated land assessment reports Auditing and compliance monitoring. |
MPRDA | Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act 28 of 2002 | EIA’s (Environmental Impact Assessments)
EMPR amendment, addendum and new mining right Mining right application Auditing and compliance |
NEMAQA | National Environmental Management Air Quality Act, Act 39 of 2004 | Air emission license (supported by an EIA) |
Biophysical mapping / GIS | ArcView software programme for drawings, maps and assessments |