Introduction to Public Documents
You have the right to comment an all the documentation that is submitted to the authorities as part of an environmental assessment process. This is according to the EIA Regulations, Chapter 5 (published 2 August 2010) that should be read with the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) which prescribes the public participation requirements applicable for most authorisation and licensing procedures in South Africa.
A Registered I&AP is entitled to comment on all written submissions made to the decision-making or competent authority by the applicant or the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) managing an application, and to bring to the attention of the competent authority any issues which the registered I&AP believes may be of significance to the consideration of the application, provided that:
- comments are submitted within the specified timeframes or any extension of a timeframe agreed to by the applicant or EAP;
- a copy of comments submitted directly to the competent authority is served on the applicant or EAP; and
- the I&AP discloses any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which that party may have in the approval or refusal of the application.
Click on the panel on the right-hand side of this page to find the documents which are available for your comments. The documents are saved under the applicable project titles.
Please ensure that you send us your comments within the allowable public review period.
Should you have any questions – please contact us.